Minh Đức Vũ , Trọng Tường Mai, Văn Tài Trương

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Objectives: To evaluate the survival rate and functional recovery of the transferred toe. Methods: A prospective study, case series report on 9 cases of finger amputation, treated at the Department of Trauma and Orthopedics, People's Hospital 115; Department of Trauma and Orthopedics, 1A Hospital; and Department of Trauma and Orthopedics, District 11 Hospital, from April 2015 to September 2023. Results: We have operated for 9 patients, including: 6 males and 3 females; the average age was 35,88 ± 9,75 (ranged from 16 - 47); 3 cases were lost thumb, 6 cases were lost long finger. There were 8 cases (88,9%) survived with the good function. In only 1 case (11,1%), which was harvested both second toes for transplantation, one toe had no blood supply right after anastomosed, other was total necrosis after 10 days post-op. Conclusion: Toe-to- hand transfer is a highly aesthetic technique and allows good functional recovery. Transferring the toe did not cause significant loss of aesthetics or significant changes in functions of the foot.

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