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Objective: Evaluate the quality of recovery after propofol intravenous anesthesia for the oocyte retrieval procedure for in vitro fertilization. Methods: Clinical intervention study with a cross-sectional description of 50 patients was indicated for oocyte retrieval under propofol intravenous general anesthesia. Note any changes in hemodynamics and respiration both during and after the anesthesia, as well as any complications or unintended effects that occurred during the recovery period. Evaluate the quality of recovery in patients by the QoR-40 scale and assess the discharge requirements four hours after the procedure. Results: Time to regain consciousness and time to fully awaken were 4.53 and 12.26 minutes, respectively. There were no complications or unwanted effects during or after the procedure. The research patients had an average QoR-40 score of 184.86/200 points and a hospital discharge standard assessment score of 14/14 points, respectively. Conclusion: Propofol intravenous anesthesia for egg retrieval in in vitro artificial fertilization has a satisfactory recovery quality; there are no difficulties or unintended side effects from the anesthesia. 100% of patients met the requirements for hospital discharge at the fourth hour after the procedure.
Article Details
Quality of recovery, intravenous anesthesia,, Propofol, oocyte retrieval
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