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Objective: evaluate the results of percutaneous transrectal embolization of prostate vessels in cases of prostate vessel obstruction.
Methods: At the Radiology Center, Bach Mai Hospital, we encountered a case of occlusion of the iliac arteries on both sides, thus making it impossible to access the prostate vessels. This patient is elderly and has many underlying diseases, so he cannot use endoscopic methods. We applied an intrarectal prostatic vascular approach using a 22G chiba needle passed through the rectum under ultrasound guidance. After accessing the vessels that feed the gland, we use embolic materials: glue, granules and lipodol - alcohol.
Results: The technique was successful with a short intervention time of about 30 minutes with a single low beam. Symptoms of IPSS, Qmax, PVR, PV were optimally improved corresponding to IPSS from 32 to 8 points, highest urine flow Qmax from 5ml/s increased to 16ml/s, residual urine amount PVR from 50ml to 20ml Prostate volume from PV from 114g to 75g after 6 months. No complications occurred.
Conclusion: Transrectal prostatic artery embolization is a new approach, quite safe and effective. Research needs to be done in large quantities and over a longer period of time.
Article Details
transrectal, embolization, prostatic artery embolization by transrectal
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