Phuc Hong Cao , Vu Quang Phong, Hoa Thanh Do, Do Van To, Nguyen Thanh Khuong, Bui Hoang Hai, Do Thai San, Dang Thuy Phuong

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Objectives: To describe the liver damages in experimental heat stroke. Methods: A prospective, longitudinal study was conducted on experimental rabbits; comparing the data between pre- and post-experiment. Results: Both plasma AST, ALT activites increased from 34.57 ± 7.69 to 125.76 ± 122.93 (3.5-fold); 46.10 ± 8.08 to 70.34 ± 30.57 U/L (1.5-fold) at 60th min post experiment (PE) (p < 0.01). The plasma emzyme activity at 60th min PE of the severe group was tended to be higher and did not correlate with rectal temperature (R = 0.04 and 0.01, respectively). Liver structural images showed that liver was blood congested, dark red color, hard consistency; liver lobule was distorted, blood congested; the liver cytoplasm and nuclear were degenerated from the centre lobule. Conclusion: The liver is damaged in terms of cell structure and biochemistry in experimental heatstroke.

Article Details


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