Văn Huy Phạm, Đức Trung Nguyễn, Việt Anh Kiều, Duy Tám Nguyễn

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Objectives: To analyze the quantity and trend of consumption of intravenous (IV) Quinolone antibiotics at 108 Military Central Hospital annually and monthly in clinical departments from 2020 to 2022. Methods: A retrospective, cross-sectional descriptive study on the number of Quinolone antibiotics used in clinical departments, 108 Military Central Hospital from 2020 to 2022, and statistics for the number of inpatients’ days of treatment. Results: The consumption of Quinolone antibiotic from 2020 to 2022 decreased. The trend of using Quinolone was conducted through the Mann-Kendall test. The Department of Neuro-Intensive Care, Lower Urology and Surgical Intensive Care, and Organ Transplantation were the three units with the largest consumption of Quinolones. The result showed that the consumption of levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, and ciprofloxacin decreased with corresponding indexes of S = -218, p = 0.003; S = -276, p < 0.0001 and S = - 246, p = 0.001, respectively. In contrast, the level of ofloxacin consumption during this period did not identify a statistically significant trend with S = 58, p = 0.438. Conclusion: The study showed the consumption of Quinolone antibiotics at 108 Military Central Hospital from 2020 - 2022. The study was the basis for implementing research to evaluate drugs in use and antibiotic management programs in the hospital.

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