Văn Khương Kiều , Văn Đức Nguyễn, Phúc Đức Đặng

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Objectives: To evaluate the primary caregiver's ability to retain information about stroke disease after three months. Methods: An interventional, longitudinal, and comparative study on 369 primary caregivers at the Stroke Department of Military Hospital 103 from April to December 2021. Results: Correct awareness about the golden time of 4.5 hours for emergency stroke patient treatment increased from 25.7% to 73.7%, with a statistically significant difference, p < 0.05. The percentage of caregivers who knew the need for follow-up medical examination after transient ischemic attacks to prevent the risk of stroke increased from 23% to 69.6%. The proportion of caregivers who recognized the importance of early stroke treatment increased from 53.1% to 84.6%, with a statistically significant difference, p < 0.05. Conclusion: The test results after three months showed a significant improvement in the ability to retain information that must be known, should be known, and need to be known.

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