Văn Quang Hà1, , Văn Bằng Nguyễn1, Phương Hiền Nguyễn 2, Thị Thịnh Nguyễn3
1 Bệnh viện Quân y 103, Học viện Quân y
2 Học viện Y học cổ truyền
3 Trường Đại học Hoà Bình

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Objective: To identify reasons that cause iron deficiency anemia in patients treated at Military Hospital 103. Subjects and methods: 118 patients were diagnosed and treated for iron deficiency anemia at Military Hospital 103 from January 2022 to April 2024 and divided into 3 groups: iron loss group (82 patients), supply insufficient iron group (28 patients) and combination group (11 patients). Results: The percentage of female to male patients with iron deficiency anemia was 2.3/1. Iron deficiency anemia is mostly caused by iron loss (66.9%), moderate (57.6%) or severe (33.9%) anemia is common. In supply insufficient iron group: the main cause was gastritis, other infections or poor diet. While, in the iron loss group: men over 40 years old with hemorrhoids or colon polyps; women aged 41 to 60 years old with uterine fibroids or menstrual disorders are common reasons. 13/118 patients had gastrointestinal cancer. There were statistically significant differences in average age, age groups and anemia levels in the study groups, with p<0.0001 and p<0.05. Conclusion: Iron loss is the primary cause of iron deficiency anemia, and people with iron deficiency anemia should be screened for gastrointestinal cancer.

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