Nhất Định Vũ, Anh Tuấn Phùng, Thai Ngoc Binh

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Summary: Accurate determination of scapular anatomical parameters plays an important role in the treatment of scapular fractures. Computed tomography is an accurate modality in assessing scapular morphology. Material and method: We study of some scapular measurements on 67 cases, by computed tomography three dimentions images. Results: The average parameters of scapula length was141.84 ± 10.850 mm từ 113-161mm, scapula width was 104.82 ± 7.988 mm, từ 85 - 129 mm, glenoid height was 34.99 ± 2.520 mm, từ 29 - 40 mm and its width was 25.61 ± 2.015 mm, từ 22 - 33 mm. Glenopolar angle was 39.37° ± 3.118 °, từ 33°- 45°. Conclusion: A study of these normal osteometric values are essential to understand anatomy and apply clinic

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