Hải Nguyễn Nguyễn1, , Nguyễn Kim Lưu, Ngô Văn Đàn, Ngô Vĩnh Điệp, Huy Thông Mai
1 103 Military Hospital

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Objective: Investigating the heterogeneity and the quantitative values of primary tumor in resectable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients.

Subjects and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 49 NSCLC patients undergoing PET/CT. Heterogeneity index (HI) and quantitative values on PET/CT images were measured. Data was entered and processed using SPSS 26.0 software.

Results: The majority of patients were male, with adenocarcinoma subtype histology. There was a statistically significant difference in dmax, SUVmax, SUR, MTV, and TLG of the tumor primary with T stages, p <0.05; no statistically significant difference was found in SUVmean and HI between T stages. The heterogeneity index had a strong positive correlation with SUVmax and SUR, with a moderate positive correlation with SUVmean, MTV, TLG, and dmax, p <0.01.

Conclusion: The heterogeneity index of Primary tumor in NSCLC correlates closely with the quantitative values of PET/CT imaging.





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