Thị Thanh Dung Hồ1, , Thị Minh Châu Nghiêm, Văn Trí Hà, Châu Phong Nguyễn, Quang Vinh Đặng
1 Bệnh viện quân y 103

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Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma- HCC is one of the most prevalent cancers, ranks 1st in terms of mortality rates in Viet Nam. Treatment of HCC is multimodal. Choosing the sequence of treatment methods is based on many factors, in which the prognosis whether patients have the response to a specific treatment method or not, from which to choose the appropriate treatment method is very essential. Therefore, finding several factors that are easy to identify, less invasive, cheap, and quickly carried out ... with predict ability is a reality in clinical practice. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte index (NLR index) and platelet-to-lymphocyte index (PLR index) may meet the above requirements. Hence, we do research to determine the role of NLR and PLR indexes in predicting the response to TACE therapy in HCC patients.

Subjects and methods: A retrospective descriptive study on 157 intermediate- stage HCC undergoing Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) at Military Hospital 103 from January 2017 to August 2023.

Results: The optimal threshold values ​​of NLR and PLR to distinguish response and non-response in the study group are NLR= 2,375 and PLR = 93,37. Patients with high NLR index ≥ 2,375  have worse PS, higher level of AFP, higher number of tumor, larger size of tumor, and worse treatment respone significantly compared with the group of patients with low NLR < 2,375 with p <0,0001; p< 0,0001; p= 0,025 và p= 0,021 và p< 0,0001, respectively. Patients with high PLR index ≥ 93,37 have worse PS, higher level of AFP, higher number of tumor, larger size of tumor, and worse treatment respone significantly compared with the group of patients with low PLR < 93,37 with p = 0,005; 0,018; 0,03; 0,01, <0,0001 , respectively.

Conclusion: Pretreatment NLR and PLR index can predict response to TACE therapy in HCC patients.


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