Current status of some factors related to the risk of radioactive and nuclear incidents in peacetime

Trọng Dũng Lê1, Nguyễn Hoàng Trung, Hoàng Đức Nhật, Nguyễn Đức Lũy, Tống Đức Minh
1 Học viện Quân Y

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Objective: Describe the current situation of some factors related to the risk of radioactive and nuclear incidents in peacetime. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study, interviews with staff working at 7 military and civil units and centers at high risk of radioactive and nuclear incidents in Vietnam. Results: The majority of opinions said that the facilities and equipment in the use of radioactive and nuclear substances all meet the requirements and meet the requirements with a rate of 36.9%, 37.6%, respectively. Equipment; tools are periodically inspected and repaired, accounting for 69.3%. The current situation of equipment and protective equipment used in survey units is still uneven, some units still need to develop plans and organize drills to prevent nuclear incidents. 60.8% of research subjects participated in training on ensuring safety in using radioactive and nuclear substances. Conclusion: Factors related to the risk of radioactive and nuclear incidents during peacetime in some units have yet to be focused on and fully implemented.

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