Việt Anh Lê , Hữu Phước Hồ, Mạnh Cường Phạm, Văn Ninh Nguyễn, Thế Anh Nguyễn, Viết Tiến Trần

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Objective: Evaluate clinical activities results at Vietnam Level 2 Hospital Rotation 4 in United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) from May 2022 to July 2023.

Subject and method: Retrospective, cross-sectional description of 1474 patients who are United Nations staff, examined and treated at Vietnam Level 2 Hospital Rotation 4  - South Sudan, from May 2022 to July 2023.

Result: For a term of 14 months, Vietnam Level 2 Hospital Rotation 4 received 1474 cases, the majority of whom were under 40 years old (96.74%), the female rate was 10.24%, and the armed forces were the main force (66.96%), 100% of language is English. The diseases structure is diverse, focusing on internal diseases (27.82%), dental diseases (18.66%), musculoskeletal diseases (18.78%), trauma (12.76%) and infectious diseases (10.48%). The hospital performed 18 surgeries case and 10 aero medicine evacuation (AME) cases; 100% safety.

Conclusion: : Clinical activities at Vietnam Level 2 Hospital Rotation 4 in South Sudan during the term achieved good results with 100% safety, no deaths, no complications and no complications. 100% of AME are safe. The average treatment day in the surgery group was 4.52 ± 1.08 days and the inpatient group was 5.39 ± 1.86 days.

Article Details


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