Bá Nghĩa Phan1, , Trọng Hà Đinh, Việt Thắng Lê
1 Khoa Thận và lọc máu, Bệnh viện quân y 103, Học viện quân y

Main Article Content


Objectives: To assess the serum testosterone concentration in males with end stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) and evaluate its relationship to some clinical and paraclinical characteristics. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from April 2023 to October 2023 on 60 males diagnosed with end stage CKD, who were examined and treated at Military Hospital 103. Participants were males aged between 20 and 60, either married or in a relationship, and cohabitating with their spouse or partner. Serum testosterone concentration were assessed through blood biochemical tests. Results: The mean serum testosterone concentration in males with end stage CKD was 366.4 ± 156.2 ng/dL; 28.3% (17/60) of patients had testosterone concentration under 300 ng/dL. The serum creatinine concentration in the group with testosterone < 300 ng/dL was higher compared to the group with testosterone concentration ≥ 300 ng/dL (1070.5 ± 245.2 versus 829.8 ± 274.8 μmol/L, p = 0.003). Testosterone levels showed a moderate inverse correlation with serum creatinine levels, with R = -0.38, p = 0.002. Conclusion: In males with end-stage CKD, lower serum testosterone levels are associated with higher serum creatinine levels. Therefore, males with end stage CKD should undergo regular monitoring of serum testosterone levels, and timely adjustments may be necessary.

Keywords: Chronic kidney disease; Testosterone

Article Details


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