Primary result of kidney transplantation on recipients with pre-tranplant rick factors at Military Hospital 103

Chí Tuệ Nguyễn, Đắc Tiệp Trần, Quang Thịnh Bùi, Bui Van Manh1,
1 Military Hospital 103

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Objective: To evaluate the influences of some pre-transplant risk factors to early outcome and some post-transplant complications on kidney transplant recipients at Military Hospital 103. < a i=2>Patients and Methods: descriptive, prospective and longitudinal study on 637 living donor kidney transplant recipients at Military Hospital 103 from 6/2019 to 6/2022. The age, sex, post-transplant-comomplications and kidney function at 1 month were selected. Results: The mean age of patient group with pre-tranplant rick factors were significantly higher than other group (p<0.001). The common rick factors were HBV and HCV carrier (19.78%), coronary arteries narrowed of 30% or more (13.19%), Panel Reactive Antibody positive of 20% or more (5.18%), kidney graft with 2 or more arteries (19.78 %), Diabetic type 2 (2.35%). The kidney function were non-significantly different during the first post-transplant month between to groups. The rate of some complications were significantly higher in group with pre-transplant rick factors: Antibody Mediated Acute Rejection (p<0.05), Urinary Tract Infection (p<0.05), Surgical site infection (p<0.01), post-transplant elvated of liver enzymes (p<0.001). Conclusions: The pre-tranplant rick factors have influenced the rate of some post-transplant complications but there was no significant difference between two groups in-term of kidney function within the first post-transplant month.

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