Quan Thanh Nam1, , Duc Thuan Nghiem1, Quyet Thang Nguyen1
1 Military Hospital 103, Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objectives: To evaluate the endoscopic surgery outcomes for benign vocal fold lesions at Military Hospital 103. Methods: A prospective, case-by-case descriptive, clinical interventional study was conducted on 45 patients with benign vocal fold lesions who underwent endoscopic surgery at Military Hospital 103 from July 2022 to August 2023. Results: The disease is common among working-age adults whose ages range from 18 - 60 (77.8%); 100% of patients had hoarseness before surgery at all levels, of which moderate hoarseness accounted for 66.7%; 60.0% of patients had vocal fold nodules; the basic histopathological diagnosis was consistent with the clinical diagnosis. After the surgery, 82.2% of patients had no hoarseness. The average scores of voice handicap index (VHI) and VHI-10 decreased with statistical significance,              p < 0.001; 80.0% of patients achieved very good results one month after surgery. Conclusion: Research results show the effectiveness of endoscopic surgery to treat benign vocal fold lesions. Both the VHI and VHI-10 scales are used to evaluate voice disorders, but in clinical practice, the VHI-10 scale may be used instead of the VHI scale.

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