Văn Cường Trần , Le Luu Van, Phuc Cao Hong1
1 Vietnam Military Medical University

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Objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics and neurologic injuries in neurological decompression sickness. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional description of 31 patients with neurological decompression sickness, research indexes: Onset status, general clinical symptoms; conscious, vestibular, movement, sensory disorders, and perineum sphincter dysfunctions. Results: The majority of patients had onset within 10 - 59 minutes after diving (77.42%). The mean onset time was 20.77 ± 16.22 minutes. The first symptom was paresthesia (58.06%), limb weakness/paralysis (74.19%), and perineum sphincter spasm (35.48%). General clinical symptoms included blood pressure disorder (25.81%), arrhythmia (32.26%), and abdominal distension (19.35%). The neurological damage was: 12.91% conscious disorder (3.23% coma, 9.68% confusion); 6.45% vestibular disorder; 83.87% leg2 paralysis, muscle strength score 0-1/5 ranged from 16.13% - 22.58%; 77.42% sensory disturbances; 70.97% perineum sphincter spasm. Conclusion: The onset time of the neurological decompression sickness was 10 - 59 minutes, with symptoms of paresthesia, limb weakness/paralysis, and perineum sphincter spasm. Neurological damage was mainly paraplegia.

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