Tô Hiệu Nguyễn, Cảnh Hậu Hồ, Thị Hồng Hạnh Lê , Thị Huyền Trang Lê

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Objectives:  To study acute and semi-chronic toxicity of the 105 Stomach Tablet in experimental animals. Methods: The acute toxicity of the preparation was evaluated by the Litchfield - Wilcoxon method on white mice. The semi-chronic toxicity of the preparation on white rats was evaluated according to the OECD and the Ministry of Health of Vietnam. Results: LD50 was not found in the oral administration of 105 Stomach Tablet in white mice with the highest oral dose of 63.33 g/kg/24h. In a semi-chronic studying with 2 doses of 0.67 g/kg/24h and 2.02 g/kg/24h continuously for 28 days, the preparation did not affect the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, haemoglobin content, AST, ALT enzyme activity, cholesterol, Albumin and creatinine content, did not cause histopathological changes of liver and kidney cells in studied mice. Conclusion: The 105 Stomach Tablet did not cause acute toxicity in white mice with the highest oral dose of 63.33 g/kg/24h and did not affect the hematopoietic, liver, or kidney function of rats experimental blank after 28 days of study.

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