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Objectives: To evaluate the role of blastocyst morphological parameters in predicting clinical outcomes in single frozen embryo transfer (FET). Subjects and methods: A retrospective study analyzing 593 cycles of single FET was performed from January 01, 2018 to September 30, 2022 at 16A Ha Dong General Hospital. Autologous blastocysts and single frozen euploid embryo transfers were included in the analysis. Excluded FET cycles included blastocysts that did not recover the blastocele, partially or completely degenerated embryos after thawing. All blastocysts were scored and graded prior to biopsy on the 5th or 6th day of the morphology-based culture process using Gardner and Schoolcraft scoring system (1999). Univariate analysis and logistic regression were used to investigate the association between individual blastocyst morphology and clinical outcomes after embryo transfer. Results: Univariate analysis showed no correlation between blastocyst morphology and biochemical and clinical pregnancy outcomes in the analyzed group of patients. The predictive model of clinical embryo transfer outcomes using binary logistic regression showed that: Morphological features (degree of expansion, ICM, TE) had no impact on embryo transfer outcomes, only mucosa had a significant impact on the outcome of euploid embryo transfers. Conclusion: In FET cycles with normal PGT-A results, all three morphological features: Degree of expansion, ICM, and TE did not have a statistically significant impact on the outcome of clinical pregnancy after embryo transfer.
Article Details
Blastocyst assessment, Blastocyst morphology, Frozen embryo transfer, Logistic regression, Prediction, Clinical pregnancy outcomes
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