Assessment of non-adherence to immunosuppressive medication by simplified medication adherence questionnaire (SMAQ) in renal transplant patients

Pham Quoc Toan1, , Cảnh Toàn Lưu, Thanh Xuân Nguyễn, Thị Khánh Đào
1 Military Hospital 103

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Assessment of non-adherence to immunosuppressive medication by simplified medication adherence questionnaire (SMAQ) in renal transplant patients

Purpose: to assess non-adherent of immunosuppression by version of the SMAQ transplant patients in a sample of kidney graft recipients.

Methods: Observational, longitudinal prospective study in 114 renal transplant patients on immunosuppression, over 18 years old, who had received a graft at least one year before. Basic sociodemographic and clinical data were recorded; patients completed the SMAQ by doctor. Descriptive characteristics for all recorded parameters of the questionnaire (reliability and validity) were studied.

Results: Mean age in the sample was 40 (11) years, 74.6% were men, duration of transplant was 3.5 (2.8) years. Regarding SMAQ results, 31.6% of patients were non-adherent to their immunosuppressive regimen. Non-adherent assessing by SMAQ was significantly related with level of education, current occupation, patient knowledge of transplant and graft function.

Conclusion: The SMAQ questionnaire provides number of non-adherent renal transplant patients. It could be effected by educational level, type of occupation, long duration of kidney transplant.

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