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Objective: To evaluate the effects of human umbilical cord blood PRP at different concentrations on the morphology, proliferation and migration of human skin fibroblasts. Research method: A prospective study was conducted using 6 healthy umbilical cord blood samples with PRP extracted using the New-PRP Pro kit GeneWorld V.10. PRP at concentrations of 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% was added to the culture medium and evaluated the morphology, proliferation and migration of human skin fibroblasts. Results: PRP at all concentrations stimulated fibroblast proliferation and migration better than the control group, with normal, healthy fibroblast morphology, the concentration of 15% was the most effective; at a concentration of 20%, cells showed increased proliferation and migration compared to the study group, but there was also a phenomenon of cell aging and death. Conclusion: In vitro, Platelet-rich plasma from umbilical cord blood stimulates proliferation and migration of human dermal fibroblasts.
Article Details
PRP, umbilical cord blood, proliferation, migration, fibroblasts
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